Monday, June 29, 2015

Books, Travel Talk and Sanity

"I'm leaving on a jet plane..." That song may date me a wee bit. We are flying out of our hometown for 8 wonderful days in California. So excited.

But then a problem arose...

What books do I take? Do I take actual books? If so how many? Do I use my Kindle while I'm gone? I am traveling with my dh, daughter, son and his girlfriend. None of them are readers. (Blasphemy!!!) So when I pose the question to them they just stare at me like I have spoken some sort of foreign language. Books? Why? Because that's what I do. I read. I go to wonderful places with fascinating people. You four will just be sitting there. I will be experiencing life from another perspective.

I decided to take my current read.

I'm only on page 86 but it seems as if it is a light, easy read. Nothing real deep. I hope it is just that because I'm one of those travelers that listens to other peoples conversations. Nosey...perhaps. I prefer just observant.

I am convinced I will need several books, right?! Once again, they just stare. So I will take laptop with Kindle app. Not a big fan of ebooks. Just would rather have the actual physical book in my hand. Oh I know...I can just visit bookstores while I am there. Who cares if my fellow travelers don't understand? I know there are many of you out there in blogland that do understand. Let them stare! Let them question my sanity! We all know whose sanity is in question!!


  1. It's so hard to decide what books to take when traveling! I always end up taking WAY TOO MANY books, lol. Have a fun trip!!

    1. Well I finished book one sitting at airport. So book number two was started. Those poor non-readers stick with nothing to do. ;)

  2. Definitely a tough decision when it comes to bringing books on vacation. Usually I'll bring along the book I'm current reading; if that book is near to finishing I'll bring a new book so I won't stuck without a book after finishing it. Most of the times I bring one physical book with me, considering how much space they'll be occupying and it's always good to have a few ebooks as well, just in case. It's the "what book to bring" that stump me, ha.

    1. Melody, the ebooks will be coming in handy this week. Makes me so thankful for them. Thanks for stopping by.
