Sunday, June 28, 2015

This is a new meme hosted by Sugar & Snark. It came about when Sugar was wondering which cover to use for her #70 Cover of the Week post. Sugar kept on thinking of more than one, and they all seemed to have a theme/characteristic. So she decided to switch things up a bit!

Each week we will post a characteristic and choose 5 of our favorite covers with that characteristic. You don’t even need to participate, just stopping by and saying hi would be great! Don’t forget to stop by the other participants!

Today’s cover characteristic: Car(s)

My favorite: Christine by Stephen King

Evil is alive in Libertyville. It inhabits a custom-painted red and white 1958 Plymouth Fury and the teenage boy, Arnold Cunningham, who buys it from the strange Roland LeBay.

Helped by Arnold's girlfriend Leigh Cabot, Dennis Guilder embarks to find out the real truth behind Christine and finds more than he bargained for: from murder, to suicide, and a strange feeling that surrounds Christine -- she gets even with anyone that crosses her! Can Dennis save Arnold from the evil that is Christine?

Summary courtesy of Goodreads

I know this is not a current release but I love this cover. The dark clouds and the red car are a great combination. This cover just oozes horror. There were several different covers for Christine over the years but this is by far my favorite. This great cover is from 2007.

When I decided to sign up for this meme, I was surprised at how few of the books I own or have read have cars on them. The number that I could recall or locate was minuscule compared to books with houses on them. Strange, but it will definitely make me aware of my covers in the future. Glad I found this meme.

What do you think about cover of Christine? Does it ooze horror to you?


  1. Red is a great colour when it is in contrast with a dark background. And of course it also symbolise blood and danger in horror or suspense. I can't remember if I've read Christine but it's a King book so it's worth a reread if I did.

    1. Melody, I agree with you. The premise of the book is a little strange but that could probably be said for most books in horror genre. It is worth a read or a reread. :)
      Thanks for stopping by,

  2. I like this cover for Christine. The red colour really stands out :)

    Aeriko @

    1. I totally agree Aeriko. The combination of red against the grays make this the winner for me.

      Thanks for visiting!

  3. I really like the cover for Christine but would it be half as powerful if one didn't know the plot of the story or who/what Christine is?

    1. Good question, Michelle. I never thought about it that way. Hmm?! Honestly, probably not.

  4. Ah, now I see your favorite is Christine. It's a gorgeous cover, is it not? I really like Halo as well.

  5. ohhhhhh it's the first time I see the cover of looking for salvation and Christine!!! Both are fantastic!!!! love your picks!!!
